Since I retired in 2013, I have not taught formal classes at the University of Utah. I have participated in Study Abroad Programs to Ecuador, and lectured in
their preparatory efforts.
My main teaching has been through the Monteverde Institute in Monteverde, Costa Rica. In 2014, I taught a three month course to students from
Mount Holyoke and Goucher Colleges on "Human Health and Development in the Tropics." The students did a well-received final project on Chagas disease, which afffects that area and is becoming more of a challenge in the US
as well. This is an example of the globalization of disease, such as we have become aware of with the Zika virus.
Previous Course of Interest
Honors Think Tank on Integrating the Immigrant
I co-taught this course in 2006-2007 with Colleen Casto. The students produced "Immigration in Context: A Resource Guide for Utah" We published 1000 copies that have now been exhausted, but the PDF version is accessible through the link. The issue of immigration somehow doesn't just disappear!
View my Teaching
Experience Curriculum Vitae (14KB PDF