Personal Information
I was born in Salt Lake City, but grew up in Denver.
The Great great grandparents
on my mother's side came to Denver in the 1860s. My
father's relatives were ranchers in the Steamboat Springs
area, where my Grandmother, Verna Bartz, was the first Superintendent
of Schools in the Craig area.
Ph.D.-University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970: Economics
M.S.-University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969: Economics
B.A.-Stanford University , 1964: History
High School : Regis High School, Denver
My wife of 50 years(a Clinical Psychologist) and I have two sons, both married and each with three children.
I have lived in Latin America for over five years at varying
points since I graduated from Stanford, starting as a Peace
Corps Volunteer in Huancayo, Peru. So I am fluent in Spanish,
have good reading and some understanding in Portuguese; I
was formerly fluent in German; I studied Latin and Greek.I was recently in the Galapagos Islands, the third time I have visited them. They are a unique experience.
View my Galapagos Slide
Interesting (?) Facts
Most Recent Marathon Time: 4 hours plus
New York Marathon, November 1, 2014 —
Most Recent Half Marathon Time: 1 hour
35+ minutes
Salt Lake Half Marathon, April 19, 2008—age
group winner
Highest Mountain Climbed: Chimborazo, Ecuador (20,543
August, 1995
Photo of
Cotopaxi Volcano in
Ecuador, its second highest volcano and which I also climbed.
View my Personal
Curriculum Vitae (10KB PDF file)