Integrating the Immigrant
In my last five years at the University of Utah, I concentrated on issues of Immigration. My most recent, and last, publication with Mauricio Caceres, "The Effect on Insurance Costs of Restricting Undocumented Immigrants' Access to Driver Licenses," Southern Economic Journal, 2015, 81(4),
pp. 907-927 received the GEORGESCU-ROEGEN PRIZE from the Southern Economics Association
I was a Principal Investigator on a Russell Sage Foundation Grant on "Integrating the Immigrant in a New Destination: Utah." The project resulted in
I served on the Board of Editors of "The Journal of Economic Issues" from 2002-2010.
My next to last two publications were
"The political economy of development: the role of institutions." In Jose I. Tavara and Jose Carlos Orihuela, eds. Pensamiento Economico y Cambio Social: Homenaje a Javier Iguiniz. Lima: PUCP Press, pp. 93-112.
"Institutions And Development: What A Difference Geography And Time Make!" Journal of Institutional Economics, Vol. 7 No. 4, December 2012, 535-541.
The Economic Impact of the Mexico-Utah Relationship
Tom Maloney, Claudio Holzner and I carried out a study that was published in February 2006 and presented to President Fox in Salt Lake in June 2006. We attempted to assess the strong links between Utah and Mexico. There is continued interest in an updated version which we may do at some point. Both it and a longer study with more detailed results are available at the following site:
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