I am Peter Philips--Professor of Economics at the University of
Utah--Father of Two Wonderful Young Adults (Jane, 18 and
John, August 2, 1996 to Nov 3, 2005)--Grateful Husband of One Beautiful and Talented Woman (Jean
Reagan)--Summer Ranger in the Grand Tetons National Park--Expert on the
Economics of the Construction Industry--Appreciative Teacher of Many
Really Interesting Graduate and Undergraduate Students--Utah Jazz
Fan--University of Utah and Pomona-Pitzer Sagehen Soccer Fan--and other stuff some of which make
it onto these pages.
Go to the buttons on the
left for a general exploration of this site, my work, my students
work, about me and other such stuff. Go below to the dedication
to John, to the "Academics" box for course material, and to the "Grand Tetons" box for my other life as a ranger. The soccer button
has videos of Jane's games and the photo gallery is mostly soccer
stuff. My "Old Web Page" below has some family photos and a
bunch of broken links I have not fixed yet.
I dedicate this website as I do my life to my son:

For a Quicktime movie of John's
funeral, click on John.
For a slideshow of the boy who loved birds. Click on me.

John Reagan Philips, August 2,
1986 to November 3, 2005
Guestbook (as of May 2006)