My current research focuses on the construction industry
including analysis of construction labor market regulations,
contracting, bidding, training and safety issues. I have also looked at
the evolution of the cannery labor market and I am currently expanding
my research into an old area of interest--immigration.

Also you may be interested in the following books:
Three Worlds of Labor Economics, (co-edited with Garth Mangum),
M.E. Sharpe, N.Y., 1988, ISBN 0-87332-455-2 and 0-87332-456-0 (pbk),
This collection of readings presents neoclassical,
institutional and radical approaches to labor market analysis.
Portable Pensions for Casual Labor Markets: Lessons from the Operating
Engineers Central Pension Fund, Quorum Books, 1995 (co-authored with Teresa
Ghilarducci, Garth Mangum and Jeff Petersen).
This book presents a case study of a multiemployer
pension fund in construction analyzing the various factors that
allow for an efficient provisioning of pension benefits in a casual
labor market.
Building Chaos: An International Comparison of the Effects of
Deregulation on the Construction, (co-edited with Gerhard Bosch) Routledge Press,
London, 2003, 240pp. index ISBN 0-415-26090-6.
These case studies of regulations across nine
different countries shows the contrasting effects of regulation and
deregulation on the operations of the construction labor and product
The Economics of Prevailing Wage Laws, (co-edited with Hamid
Azari-Rad and Mark Prus) Ashgate Publishers, (2005) ISBN 0-7546-3255-5.
This compendium provides a history and public policy
analysis of prevailing wage regulations including a look at
construction costs, skill formation, safety benefit payments and
cost shifting between industry paid health insurance and publicly
subsidized health care.