Modes of Cooperation at Wasatch Commons
Residents cooperate in many ways:
- Share in the cooking (3 common meals per week)
- Buying Club for Natural Foods
- Recycling, snow removal, etc.
- Exchange of information on a community email network
- Parents assist each other through a parents committee.
- Car pools to drive the children to school
- Supervision of children after school
- Construction of children's play area
- Landscaping
- Community workshop on premises
- Crafts night
- Share resources: books, videos, tools, skills, information
- Outings to movies, concerts, showshoeing, bowling, swimming
- Construction of a Computer Network
- Neighborhood Watch
- Yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, exercises.
- AKIDO classes for children
Each adult community member serves on at least one committee:
- Management Committee
- Process Committee
- Welcoming Committee
- Dining Committee
- Landscaping Committee
- Parents Committee
- Social Committee
- Social Architecture Committee
- Workshop Committee
- Safety Committee
- Conflict Resolution Committee
Each of us attends a number of meetings each month.
The decisions in these meetings
are arrived at by consensus.
The combined skills of the community are a great resource,
and the consensus process allows all community members to have
their voices heard.
Members are also expected to spend a few hours each week on
community projects.
Life in cohousing gives you
many new experiences, some of them
challenging - but
there are also many benefits.
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