Current Courses
- Anth 3234: Genes, Health, and
Human History
- This course uses human genes to study health and history. Through
genetic data, we will see how human populations have grown, moved, and
mixed. We will also see how humans have adapted to a changing
environment, with results that are sometimes beneficial and sometimes
unfortunate. The first part of the course provides background on
evolution, the second uses genes to study history, and the last deals
with adaptive and maladaptive consequences of evolution.
- Anth5221/Biol5221: Human
Evolutionary Genetics
- An introduction to the theory and data of evolutionary genetics.
It is about how populations respond to evolution, and also about how
evolutionary history can be reconstructed from our genes.
- Anth 5485: Graphical Data Analysis
- Students will learn graphical methods of data analysis and then
use these in projects involving real data. All projects will
involve the R statistical package.
- Anth 6200:
ProSeminar II: History of Biological Anthropology
- Anth 6969-001:
- This course will introduce graduate students to the use of genetic
data in the study of evolutionary history. Students will use genetic
data in projects to draw inferences about the history of population
size, subdivision, gene flow, and adaptive evolution.
- Honor 2500: The Evidence for
- Both sides of the argument about evolution, in historical perspective.
Old Courses
- Anth 1050: Evolution of Human
- Our brains, like the rest of our bodies, were shaped by natural
selection. But how much does this matter? Many social scientists
would argue that it matters very little, since human behavior is
transmitted culturally rather than genetically. This course will
entertain a different hypothesis. It will seek to explain human
nature---our desires and preferences, our virtues and faults, our
similarities and differences---using the theory of evolution.
Students are encouraged to be skeptical. After all, rational
skepticism is the business of science.
- Anth 636: Preparing Grant
- Anth5471/Biol5471: Quantitative Models
in Evolutionary Ecology (formerly Fundamental
Methods of Evolutionary
- An introduction to the method and theory
of evolutionary ecology for undergraduate students and beginning
grads. The course will make extensive use of Maple, a computer
program that simplifies equations, solves them, and plots the results.
- Biol 5410:
Molecular Evolution
- How biologists go about making sense of genetic differences
between species. Team-taught with Jon Seger (Dept of Biology) and
Glenn Herrick (Dept of Biochemistry).