Anth 5485: Graphical Data Analysis

Required readings

  1. Cleveland, W.S. 1993. Visualizing Data. (bookstore).

    A classic text on graphical data analysis, which forms the backbone of this course.

  2. Johnson, Roger W. 2001. An introduction to the bootstrap. Teaching Statistics, 23(2):49-53.

    A short, elementary article on the bootstrap. Unfortunately, the examples are in Minitab, so read around them.

  3. Owen, W.J. 2010. The R Guide.

    A useful introduction for beginners.

  4. Wickham, Hadley. 2016. ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis, 2nd edn. (bookstore)

    This is the main text on the ggplot2 package.

Recommended readings

  1. Cleveland, W.S. 1994. Principles of graph construction. Ch. 2 of The Elements of Graphing Data, (Marriott electronic reserve)

    This book is a classic. Well worth reading.

  2. Murrell, Paul. 2012. The grammar of graphics: the ggplot2 package. Ch. 5 of R Graphics, 2nd edn.

    A very brief introduction to ggplot2.

  3. Paradis, E. 2005. R for Beginners

  4. Sarkar, Deepanyan. Introduction to R: Language Overview I

  5. Sarkar, Deepanyan. Introduction to R: Language Overview II.

  6. Venables, WN, DM Smith, and the R Development Team. An Introduction to R.

    Too terse for beginners but useful for those with some programming experience.

  7. Wickham, Hadley. 2007. Reshaping data with the reshape package

    Techniques for re-organizing data. This article is still worth a read, although much of it has been superseded by chapters 9-10 of the 2nd edition of Wickham's book on ggplot2.