Cleveland, W.S. 1993. Visualizing Data. (bookstore).
A classic text on graphical data analysis, which forms the backbone of this course.
Johnson, Roger W. 2001. An introduction to the bootstrap. Teaching Statistics, 23(2):49-53.
A short, elementary article on the bootstrap. Unfortunately, the examples are in Minitab, so read around them.
Owen, W.J. 2010. The R Guide.
A useful introduction for beginners.
Wickham, Hadley. 2016. ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis, 2nd edn. (bookstore)
This is the main text on the ggplot2 package.
Cleveland, W.S. 1994. Principles of graph construction. Ch. 2 of The Elements of Graphing Data, (Marriott electronic reserve)
This book is a classic. Well worth reading.
Murrell, Paul. 2012. The grammar of graphics: the ggplot2 package. Ch. 5 of R Graphics, 2nd edn.
A very brief introduction to ggplot2.
Paradis, E. 2005. R for Beginners
Sarkar, Deepanyan. Introduction to R: Language Overview I
Sarkar, Deepanyan. Introduction to R: Language Overview II.
Venables, WN, DM Smith, and the R Development Team. An Introduction to R.
Too terse for beginners but useful for those with some programming experience.
Wickham, Hadley. 2007. Reshaping data with the reshape package
Techniques for re-organizing data. This article is still worth a read, although much of it has been superseded by chapters 9-10 of the 2nd edition of Wickham's book on ggplot2.