Anthro5471/Biol5471: Extra practice for those with strong backgrounds
Work your way through a single chapter in any of the books listed
below. It must be a chapter with math. Try to verify every formula,
and try to do every problem. (If you try and fail, that's OK; but
try hard.) Hand in a neat copy of your work, leaving out all the false
starts, and summarizing the main conclusions.
Both the books and the chapters within them vary in difficulty.
You may want to browse through them before going to work. I have
requested that all of them be placed on reserve at Marriott Library.
Ask for "anthro 5471", not "biol 5471".
- Charnov, Eric L. 1982. The theory of sex allocation.
- Charnov, Eric L. 1993. Life history invariants.
- Frank, Steven A. 1998. Foundations of social evolution.
- Mangel, Marc. 2006. The theoretical biologist's toolbox.
- Maynard Smith, John. 1968. Mathematical ideas in biology.
- Maynard Smith, John. 1982. Evolution and the theory of games.
- McNeill Alexander, R. 1996. Optima for animals.
- McElreath, Richard and Robert Boyd. 2007. Mathematical models of
social evolution: A guide for the perplexed.
- Stephens, David W. and John R. Krebs. 1986. Foraging theory.