Biol5221: Extra credit algebra assignment

The assignment requires that you do the same set of exercises twice, timing yourself both times. The exercises are in this pdf document. Your copy should include pages 36-49 and 63-65, but not 50-62. Fragments of sections at the beginnings and ends of the scanned portions are EXCLUDED from the assignment. Specifically,

The rest of the document is included in the assignment.


  1. Read through the document.
  2. Do the exercises, timing yourself as you go. I want to know how long it took to do the entire set of exercises, not each section or each individual problem.
  3. Do the previous step a second time, timing it once again.
Turn in both sets of exercises, together with your timings. Please write the answers on your own paper, and put a summary of the timings at the top of page 1.

How we use this assignment in calculating grades

Those who turn in a fully-completed assignment will receive the extra points listed in the syllabus. This credit is added after the curve, so that students can get a perfect score (100%) without doing the extra credit assignment.