
We live in disturbing times. The USA is waging war on the world which kills thousands of civilians, it is openly debating an unprovoked invasion of Iraq, and it is preparing to resume nuclear testing and to militarize space. Under the guise of the "war on terrorism," much-needed social programs and the looming environmental catastrophe are neglected, and civil liberties are restricted.

I can observe these development only with horror, yet it is a fact that I am part of the machinery which does all this. Under these circumstances, it is impossible for me to carry on as usual. How can I change my behavior so that I personally do not feed into this madness? What can I do to have as much impact as possible to stop these crimes?

This web site collects materials and links that are relevant to this question. If you are asking yourself similar questions, please email me your thoughts. I will try to integrate them into this web site. Since this madness is fundamentally connected with the capitalist world system, an economics web site is the appropriate place to discuss these issues.

Hans G. Ehrbar.


This web site is not trying to tell you what to do, but it is trying to provide resources that help you to make your own rational decisions, and it is trying to warn you from certain pitfalls.

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