David F. HENDRY (Economics Department, Oxford University)
Grayham E. MIZON.(Economics Department, Southampton University.)
The policy implications of estimated macro-econometric systems depend on the
formulations of their equations, the methodology of empirical model selection
and evaluation, the techniques of policy analysis, and their forecast performance.
Drawing on recent results in the theory of forecasting, we question the role
of 'rational expectations'; criticize a common approach to testing economic
theories; show that impulse-response methods of evaluating policy are seriously
flawed; and question the mechanistic derivation of forecasts from econometric
systems. In their place, we propose that expectations should be treated as instrumental
to agents' decisions; discuss a powerful new approach to the empirical modelling
of econometric relationships; offer viable alternatives to studying policy implications;
and note modifications to forecasting devices that can enhance their robustness
to unanticipated structural breaks.