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Estimation of Parameters in Autoregressive Models


Autoregressive models have many applications in business and economics. In this paper, we consider two regressive models

Yi,t = mi + di Xi,t + ei,t (i = 1, 2 ; t = 1, 2, ..., ni )

where the random errors ei,t are autocorrelated, i.e.,

ei,t = fi ei,t-1 + ai,t , | fi | < 1;

ai,t are iid random errors. The autoregression coefficicents fi (i = 1, 2) may or may not be equal. The problem is to estimate mi , di and fi and si2 = V(ai,t); the variances si2 (i = 1, 2) may or may not be equal.

Traditionally, the random errors at have been assumed to be normal N(0, s2). There is now a realization that non-normal distributions are more prelavent in practice. We consider non-normal distributions and derive efficient estimators by using the methodology of modified likelihood. We also give a test for Ho: d1 = d2. We show that our solutions are robust to outliers and other data anomalies. Both situations are considered when Xt (1 £ t £ n) are fixed design points and when they change with Yt (1 £ t £ n). We give real life examples.

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