Feride DOĞANER GÖNEL (Yıldız Technical University)
During the last two decades of the last century, we have observed a substantial
change of trade patterns in some developing countries. These countries started
to export high-tech goods whereas formerly they imported them. The share of
developing countries in high-tech exports have shown significant increases such
as from 8 percent in 1988 to about 23 percent by 1997. The main factor of this
structural turning point is the rapid development of information and communication
technology (ICTs). This paper tries to determine the connection between the
role of technological factors in Turkey and the country's international competitiveness
in exports. In this framework, the paper specifically survey the ICTs influence
on competitiveness with the help of some basic statistical analysis such as
Revealed Comparative Advantage. The paper is organized as follows: After the
introduction, section 2 rely on some quantitative and qualitative information
that point the growing role of ICTs in both world economy and Turkey's economy
over the 1990s. This chapter is a kind of thematic review relevant to the subject.
As an appropriate sector for analyzing the technological competitiveness, section
3 tries to analyze the link between Turkey's activities on this subject using
some basic statistical tools. Finally, the last section summarizes and draws
conclusions from the analysis.