Gökhan KARABULUT (İstanbul University)
Dündar Murat DEMİRÖZ (İstanbul University)
The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between financial development
and economic growth. In growth literature, it is indicated that financial intermediation
has a positive impact on economic growth. On the other hand, there are multiple
number of studies, which claim that credit booms are important indicators of
financial crises and economic downturns. Therefore searching for the structure
of the preclaimed causal relationship between financial intermediation and growth
will help to design effective policies for obtaining a stable growth path. In
order for economic modeling, a CGE model, which includes a representative household,
a representative firm and a representative bank, is constructed. Since financial
intermediaries in Turkey are mostly banks, it is intended in the paper to present
the rate of improvement in financial intermediation by the growth of total private
credit volume. Following the calibration results of the model, which includes
variance decompositions and impulse response functions, an empirical estimation
of the relationship between financial intermediation and growth using the causality
tests and VAR methodology is presented. The paper concludes with a brief summary
of the theoretical and emprical findings.