Ahmet ÇİMENOĞLU (Yapı Kredi Bankası)
Nurhan YENTÜRK (İstanbul Technical University)
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of international
capital inflows on the Turkish economy and the mechanisms by which these effects
are realised. In doing this, firstly the economic and financial environment
that prevailed in Turkey in most of 1990s will be analysed with specific reference
to its effect on international capital flows. The second task is to determine
the channels through which the international capital affects Turkish economy.
These channels will be studied both from the demand and supply side perspectives.
From the demand side perspective, the channels through which the net foreign
capital inflows are affecting private sector consumption demand will be studied.
On the supply side, the effects of net foreign capital inflows on the bank behaviour,
both on the consumer and commercial sides, will be investigated. These two investigations
will help to analyse how net foreign capital inflows affect domestic investments.
Exploring the sectoral price data, the distribution of the investments among
the sectors that are aggregated into two as tradable and non-tradable will be
studied before concluding about the overall impact of net foreign capital flows
on the economy.