Aslıhan Atabek (The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)
Evren Erdoğan Coşar (The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)
Saygın Çevik (The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey)
The aim of this paper is to construct a composite leading indicator (CLI) for
Turkish economic activity to provide earlier signals of turning points between
expansions and slowdowns. For this analysis, firstly, it is necessary to select
an indicator for economic activity, and industrial production index is used
as a proxy for it. Secondly, a group of variables that perform well both in
forecasting and tracking cyclical developments of the economic activity has
to be selected. In this respect, a broad set of economic indicators related
with industrial production are investigated. While constructing CLI, growth
cycle approach is used and cyclical pattern of the series are obtained by eliminating
seasonal, irregular and trend components via TRAMO/SEATS and HP filter. Selection
of the component series is based on the leading performance at cylical turning
points and their economic significance. From those selected series different
composite leading indicator indices are constructed and the one with the best
performance is chosen as the composite leading indicator for Turkish economic