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Peer Ratings on Oral Presentations

Because it is difficult for an outsider to assess individual contributions in a group project, part of the grade will be based on peer reviews.
  1. List the name of everyone in your group.
  2. Give each person (including yourself) a letter grade of A through F.
  3. Optional: write a brief explanation supporting your assessment (see below)
  4. Submit via
Consider the following in making your assessments:

Participation: Was the person active, responsible, helpful?

Quality: Was the contribution accurate, relevant, and useful to people outside this area? Was it presented clearly?

There are different ways to contribute and different groups had different needs, so weight these as you think appropriate. If you have limited or no basis for judging a participant, indicate that. Additional comments are welcome: to explain your ratings, your own role, or to give me feedback on the exercise itself.

Send me an email if you need the names of your group members