

"Extensions of the ZKD Model: A Comment," Econometrica, September 1972.


"Input-Output Multipliers: Some Theoretical Comments," Journal of Regional Science, IX, (August 1969), co-authored with Iver E. Bradley.


"A Note on predicting the Shift of the Firm's U-LAC," Metroeconomica, September-December 1972.


"Production Theory: A Pedagogical Note," Intermountain Economic Review, Spring 1971.


"Utah Interindustry Study: An Application of Input-Output Analysis," Utah Economic and Business Review, XXVIII (February 1968), co-authored with Iver E. Bradley. Not refereed.


Abstract of The Economics of Water Allocation in Utah: An Input-Output Analysis (with Iver E. Bradley), Quarterly Digest of Urban and Regional Research, Autumn 1969. Not refereed.


"Cost Theory, Hierarchical Control and the Theory of the Firm," Industrial Organization Review, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1975.


"Cooperative Research and the Firm," Tech. Forecast and Soc. Change, July 1984.


"Cooperative Research, Government Involvement, and Timing of Innovations," Tech. Forecast and Soc. Change, September 1985.


"A Utility-Theory Analysis of Automobile Speed Under Uncertainty of Enforcement," Transp. Research, B, 19B, No. 3, 1985.


"The Economics of University/Industry Research linkages," Tech. Forecast and Soc. Change, February 1986.


"Highway Speed and Uncertainty of Enforcement: The Traveling Salesman (or Trucker) Case," Logistics and Transportation Review, March 1986.


"University/Industry Research Linkages and Knowledge Transfers: A General Equilibrium Approach," Tech Fore and Social Change, April 1987.


"Managerial Intensity, Firm Size and Growth," Managerial and Decision Economics, June 1991.


"Academic Research and Teaching Productivities: A

Case Study," Tech. Forecast and Soc. Change, June 1995.


"Gender-Based Faculty-Pay Differences in Academe: A Reduced-Form Approach," Journal of Labor Research, 18(3) Summer, 1997, pp. 451-461.

"Faculty Gender Effects on Academic Research and Teaching," Research in Higher Education, 40(2), April 1999.


"Administrative Intensity and Institutional Control in Higher Education," Research in Higher Education, 40(2), April 1999.


"The Private Sector in Financial Crisis: The Short-Term and Long-Term Capital Structure of Firms in Southeast and East Asia," Journal of Asian Business, Vol 15, No. 1 1999, co-authored with S. Reynolds and S. Ratanakomut.


"Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomic Crisis: Risk Analysis of Asian Non Financial Firms with Comparisions to Latin America," Journal of Asian Economics, jointly with Steve Reynolds and Somchai Rantanakomut, forthcoming 1999.