Pitfalls of Individual Life Style Changes

Don't waste too much time and energy doing it. If you are in the market for a new car, don't buy a SUV, or postpone the purchase as long as you can and pay off your debt instead (so that you can go on strike if necessary etc.) But if you rely on the old gas guzzling clonker to go to work, and you cannot afford a better car, don't feel bad. Driving to the next demo or political meeting in your guzzler is a good use of our natural resources.

Changing your life style against a social order which tries to pull you in a different direction is something which few people can afford. For instance, recycling is ridiculously inefficient since it is not well organized in the USA. It is a better use of your time to organize a movement for a recylcling ordnance in your city, or better industrial pollution controls, than wasting your time recycling newspapers if there is no infrastructure for it.

Many of the best people in our society use their time trying to clean up the mess capitalism leaves us with, instead of seeing to it that this mess will not be produced in the first place.

Here is a life style web site; I haven't had time yet to look at it to know what to think about it.

Air Travel is responsible for 3.5 percent of global warming today, and it is growing so fast, it may eventually account for 15 percent.

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