Information Sources

One good way to stay abreast of quality news is to configure your web browser in such a way that its start page is one of the top newspapers, like the International Herald Tribune, or the German Spiegel.

Indymedia in Utah, Washington DC, or the global indymedia page.

Z Magazine: overview, archive, Z net.

Common Dreams: Breaking News and Views for the Progressive Community.

Tikkun: A Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture, and Society.

Short Wave Report: Dan Roberts, the author of the Short Wave report, writes:

Listening to shortwave can make significant changes to your perception of the media. Every story is told from a perspective, objective news reporting is a myth. Try listening to coverage of the Taiwan-China disputes on China Radio International, Radio Taipei (Taiwan), the BBC, and CNN. Most nations of the world produce at least an hour of English-language broadcast each day, some do considerably more. I believe the idea of international broadcasting is to improve global understanding. I know that the governments that support these stations are, to various extents, propagandists. Not unlike whatever country you live in. The goal of listening isn't further confusion, but a bigger picture.

In the not too distant future, international news will be widely and reliably available on the net. Some industrialized nations are already there. The advantages and disadvantages are pretty clear. Shortwave radio will continue until the majority of the worlds population has access to both computers and internet. That is far away in the future. More.

So far the excerpt from Dan Roberts's comments. Back to the Political Action Home Page.

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